Sustainable tourism in conservation areas is a type of tourism which main attraction and reason for its existence is nature and therefore safeguards the environment and natural resources while ensuring the economic growth of the activity.
Contemplation Tourism
Contemplation Tourism is the segment that privileges the sustainability of natural and cultural heritage, in the search for greater awareness of preservation while developing the well-being of the host communities.
Main features:
- It uses the interpretation of environments as an instrument.
- It is directly related to satisfaction, and understanding of the environment and the possibility of living and feeling nature.
Thus, through contemplation, the tourist perceives the landscape, understanding the local culture and because understanding leads to appreciation, he is concerned with the conservation of the object that is the natural and cultural heritage.
It requires integration with the natural, cultural and human environment, respecting the fragility that characterizes the destination.
Carrying out activities that can provide the experience and knowledge of nature and for the protection of the areas where it occurs.
Contemplation tourism ensures the enhancement of natural and cultural heritage, and establishes a healthy interaction with man, promoting self-esteem in local communities and greater appreciation for visitors. It attracts greater investments and all the resulting benefits.
Activities practiced: observation of fauna, flora, landscape, contemplation involving trails, hiking, diving, rafting, photographic safaris, mountain climbing, etc.
Scale: limited volume of tourists and modest volume equipment.
Protection and conservation of natural resources: existence of operating rules, licensing and zoning
Hunting Tourism
Cynergetic tourism is hunting tourism and therefore consumer tourism.
Characterized by itself, it is:
- Based on faunal resources and favouring the preservation of their habitat.
- There is greater involvement with the local community when it comes to employment but little cultural interaction between the local community and visitors.
- Few investments in fixed assets (real estate) and modest equipment capacity.
- Relatively low barriers to entry and exit, which makes it easy for operators to change business whenever they want.
Requirements established in Decree 82/2017 of 29th of December.
Hunting tourism, when well-managed, is an instrument for sustainable management of fauna (balanced control of species for the good of the environment as a whole, including Man). However, it requires a sophisticated system of control by the government.
The average total annual income resulting from sustainable tourism is 114.874.990 meticais, being 57.330.281.00 meticais for hunting and community tourism whose source is concession fees, slaughtering taxes, daily hunting fees and 57,544. 709.00 meticais for contemplative tourism whose source is concession fees, entrances to conservation areas (of people, vehicles and aircraft, filming, etc.).
By law, 20% of revenues are destined to the communities. However, in many cases, concessionaires have developed community infrastructure within the scope of social responsibility.