Adaptation and Mitigation

In November 2012, the Council of Ministers approved the National Strategy for the adaptation and mitigation of the effects of Climate Change, a document that aims to establish the guidelines for action to create resilience, including the reduction of climate risks, in communities and in the national economy and to promote low carbon policies and a green economy, through its integration in the process of sectoral and local planning.

In October 2014 the Government approved the National Monitoring and Evaluation System for CC.

The National System for Monitoring and Evaluation goals on Climate Change (SNMAMC) were set with the objective to:

  • Improve accountability in the use of resources and verify their effective allocation to sectors at various levels and to different vulnerable groups;
  • Support cross-sectoral coordination and implementation of the NMSCC and sectoral Climate Change Action Plans (CCAPs) through monitoring and learning from implementation processes;
  • Assess the extent to which the ENAMMC will have contributed to reducing vulnerability to Climate Change and achieving national development goals despite changes in the country’s climate framework;
  • Instruct policymaking and planning by developing new evidence on the effectiveness of adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk management approaches.

Pilot Programme on Climate Resilience (PPCR)

The Pilot Programme on Climate Resilience (PPCR) is one of the programmes under the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) of the Climate Investment Fund (CIF). It is designed to lead and demonstrate ways on how to integrate climate risk and resilience approaches into policies and planning in developing countries.

The PPCRs are country-led and will enable mentoring countries to transform specific investment plans and programmes to address climate risks and vulnerabilities by building relevant country strategies and studies.

The implementation of the PPCR at the national level, known as the Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR), aims to generate knowledge, learning and lessons to inform the future scaling up of PPCR interventions across the country and build up resilience for the national economy, all its sectors and communities that face the risk of increased climate volatility.

As a least developed country, Mozambique benefited from the Developing Countries Programme and formulated its National Programme of Action on Adaptation (NAPA) to Climate Change, a document approved by the Council of Ministers in December 2008. The NAPA contains information on urgent and immediate needs for building capacity to cope with the adverse impacts of Climate Change.

Climate Vulnerability Reduction Programmes

  • Improving Climate Resilience in Mozambique (MERCIM)
  • Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL)
  • Sustainable Management of Natural Resources for Resilience and Equitable Growth and Development (SUNRED II)
  • Socio-Economic and Environmental Resilience (RESO)
  • Strengthening Urban Resilience in Southern Africa
  • Africa Programme on Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives
  • Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to promote Low Carbon Development in Mozambique and their integration in the planning process
  • Climate resilient for women & men smolholder formers in Mozambique through integrated  risk management
  • Development of REDD+ Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System
  • Low Carbon Development Strategy – LEDS
  • Artisanal Fisheries Climate Change Adaptation Project
  • Coastal Resilience to Climate Change Nature-based solutions for building resilience in vulnerable coastal communities in Mozambique
  • Coastal Aquaculture Development and Adaptation to Climate Change Support Project
  • Coastal Aquaculture and Climate Change Project.