Main lines of research
Research and extension at IPCTA
IPCTA presents three lines of research:
- Geodesy and topo-geodesic surveys;
- Cartography, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and GIS;
- Land Registry and Administration.
The professors have been carrying out research in these lines of research and the results are published in scientific journals and in national and international events.
Requalification of the Chamanculo “C” Neighborhood
In the research and extension component, which has the support and participation of the entire school community, the continuation of the implementation of the Chamanculo “C” Neighborhood Rehabilitation Project in the Municipality of Maputo, interrupted in the scope of measures to prevent COVID-19.
The neighborhood’s requalification consists of opening access roads and allocating DUATs to a total of 7,000 resident families. In this sense, the institution will carry out a topographic survey, elaboration of the topographical plan of the current situation of the neighborhood, monitoring the elaboration of the detailed plan.
The project is expected to contribute to improving mobility with the opening of 2,050 meters of streets, reducing the degradation of the urban environment and improving the flow of rainwater.
Feather Mapping
Also in the research and extension component, in coordination with the Eduardo Mondlane University, the IPCTA is conducting the Pollution Pole Mapping Project around the Hulene Dumpster, using geoelectric methods, with the aim of accurately identifying the direction and the contaminant flow direction.
This mapping will also allow the verification of the existence or not of underground cavities that could compromise the integrity of the houses and water contamination by products from the dump.
Training community leaders
The training of community leaders in matters of land administration and territorial planning aims to provide them with practical knowledge about land administration processes and basic territorial planning techniques, integrating the best practices of land conflict resolution in communities, having as base the legislation.