Our Story


The Ministry of Land and Environment is the central organ of the State apparatus which, in accordance with the principles, objectives and tasks defined by the Government, directs, plans, coordinates, controls and ensures the implementation of policies in the domains of Land administration and management and Geomatics, Forests and Wildlife, Environment, Climate Change and Conservation Areas.


A healthy and climate-resilient environment, ensuring a better quality of life for the populations.


Promote and implement development policies and programs that guarantee environmental quality, resilience to climate change and the sustainable use of natural resources.


  • Excellence
  • Professionalism
  • Meritocracy
  • Speed
  • Transparency
  • Integrity
  • Well Serve
  • Accountability
  • Impartiality




National Environment Commission created

Chronologically, it is under the aegis of the CNA (National Commission for the Environment), created through Presidential Decree No. 2/92, of June 3, which, for the first time in Mozambique, with the necessary multi-sectoral coordination, is prepared and Approved the PNGA (National Environmental Management Program), a long-term national strategy, which defined the guidelines for environmental governance throughout the national territory, which included not only the environmental policy and the respective legal framework as well as the institutional configuration that the government should adopt to pursue the goals in view.


Ministry for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs created

In light of the recommendations of the PNGA, through Presidential Decree No. 2/94, of 21st of December, the MICOA (Ministry for the Coordination of Environmental Action) was created, comprising subordinate institutions, namely the three CDS’s (Sustainable Development Centers) .


Approved the Framework Law on the Environment

Approximately three years later, also on the recommendation of the PNGA, the framework Law on the Environment was approved, through Law 20/97, of 1st of October.


The National Council for Sustainable Development and the National Environment Fund created

Growing, in 2000 the CONDES (National Council for Sustainable Development) and FUNAB (National Environment Fund) were created, both created under the legal and legal premises of the above-mentioned law.

As a continuous act, MICOA played its role of coordinating environmental governance in Mozambique, for two decades, precisely, from 1994 to 2014, highlighting, among several achievements, the adoption and implementation of policies for adaptation and resilience to climate change, the actions carried out in the context of the management of the urban environment, the integrated management of coastal zones, the sustainable management of natural resources, without ever losing sight of the fact that Man is the epicenter of the environment-development interaction.


The Environmental Education, Communication and Dissemination Program created

In 2009, the government adopted the PECODA (Environmental Education, Communication and Outreach Programme), which was held to be the standard in the environment sector until the year MICOA was abolished.


Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development created

Twenty years later, MICOA is extinguished to make way for MITADER, (Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development), created through Presidential Decree No. 1/2015, of 16th of January. This Ministry arises as a result of ceaseless efforts in the search for an adequate and efficient model for the sustainable management of natural resources and the environment in Mozambique.

As a corollary, in addition to the attributions and competences that MICOA had, the MITADER portfolio expanded its scope of action to explicitly include the administration and management of land, forests and conservation areas.

With this field of action, MITADER carried out a list of actions, highlighting the policy reforms carried out in the forestry sector and in environmental licensing, the massification of the issuance of DUAT’s in favour of occupants in good faith, the expansion and consolidation the national network of protected areas for the conservation of biodiversity both on land and in coastal waters, as well as the strengthening of institutional capacity for surveillance.


Ministry of Land and Environment created

The “chapters” CNA, MICOA and MITADER closed, it was imperative to innovate a State body that would adapt to the current challenges to ensure environmental sustainability in the country’s economic and social development process, which includes the rational use of land and forests resources, the conservation of biodiversity and the prevention of all forms of environmental degradation including those that contribute to global warming and climate change at the local and/or regional level, in particular deforestation.

This is how the MTA (Ministry of Land and Environment) was created, created through Presidential Decree No. 1/2020, of 17th of January. In essence, with the exception of rural development, the MTA’s mission is to continue, deepen and consolidate the work carried out by MITADER in the 2015-2019 period.