Our Partners


Sweden Sweden
Netherlands Netherlands
China China
Japan Japan
Portugual Portugual
Italy Italy


Support in the area of land management

  • Climate Adaptive Living Local – financing of small public infrastructures resilient to climate change;
  • Coastal Resilience to Climate Change Nature Based Solutions.


Support in the area of land management

  • Gesterra – Institutional training program in land administration and management, technical training in the field / domain of TIC’s and strengthening of technical capacity at central and provincial levels, through the hiring of human resources)


Support in Forest Resource Management

  • Established a Memorandum of Understanding to ensure the increase of local employment and added value of forest products; Combat the illegal trade in forest and wildlife products.


Support in the area of Climate Change

  • Sustainable Forest Management and REDD+;
  • Established a Memorandum of Understanding whose objective is to promote the construction of infrastructure (urban solid waste, industrial hazardous waste)


Support in the area of Climate Change

  • Established a Memorandum of Understanding with a view to developing cooperation programs and projects that contribute to the mitigation of climate change)


Support in the area of Climate Change

  • RESO – Project that aims to improve the socio-economic conditions of peri-urban and rural communities in the districts of Monapo, Mossuril and Nacala Porto (Nampula), women and vulnerable families, strengthening the resilience of communities to extreme shocks due to climatic phenomena)

Government Agencies

European Union European Union
World Bank World Bank
KFW – German Bank KFW – German Bank
UN Habitat

European Union

  • Improving Climate Resilience Mozambique – MERCIM; Creation and implementation of a value chain development strategy in the Forestry Sector;
  • Promotes Biodiversity – Aims to Strengthen sustainable management mechanisms for endangered species through the establishment of specific regulatory frameworks)

World Bank

Support in land areas, Territorial Planning, Forests, Biodiversity, Conservation areas

  • Mozland,
  • Mozfip,
  • Sustenta,
  • PDUL,


Natural Resources, Biodiversity

  • Limpopo Mangrove Restoration Project: Aims to Restore the Mangrove Ecosystem Area)


Environment, Climate Change, Planning, Multisectoral Coordination

  • SUNRED: Visa strengthen the integration of aspects of poverty reduction, environment and climate in policies, plans, regulations and investments in Mozambique
  • BIOSFAC: Diversification of ecosystem goods and services for financial sustainability and wildlife management in conservation areas in Mozambique.


Support in Biodiversity Conservation Areas

KFW – German Bank

Support in the Area of Conservation

  • Limpopo National Park Resettlement Program: Aims to Reset Resident Communities inside the Limpopo National Park


Support in the conservation area

  • Protected Areas and Elephant Protection in Mozambique – APPEM: aims to strengthen the management of protected areas and the protection of elephant life


Environment and Climate Change Area

  • ProBio: Aims to Strengthen the Protection Capacity of Endangered Species in Mozambique


Partnership in the area of forests

  • Payment for ecosystem services to support forest conservation and sustainable livelihoods;
  • Formalization of CGRN, monitoring and control of wood from communities


Support in the Area of Climate Change

  • Climate resilient for women & men smallholder formers in Mozambique through integrated risk management – Visa 1. Reduce the vulnerability to risks climatic
  • Increase and sustain the adaptive capacity of small farmers
  • Generation and use of climate information

UN Habitat

Support in the area of Climate Change

  • Strengthening Urban Resilience in Southern Africa: Aims to Strengthen the Capacities of National and Local Authorities to Plan for Strengthening Resilience in Cities

Non-Governmental Organizations

WWF Mozambique WWF Mozambique
Global Green Growth Institute Global Green Growth Institute
Peace Parks Foundation Peace Parks Foundation
African Parks African Parks
Greg Carr Foundation Greg Carr Foundation
Biofund Mozambique Biofund Mozambique
Society for the Conservation of Fauna – WCS
International Foundation for Fauna Management – IGF International Foundation for Fauna Management – IGF
CARE International Mozambique

WWF Mozambique

  • A Memorandum of Understanding was established with a view to Promoting good practices in sustainable forest management and forest governance in Mozambique with the inclusive participation of different actors in society.
  • Establishment of Memorandum of Understanding to Strengthen Technical and Institutional Collaboration and Capacity Building

Global Green Growth Institute

  • Established a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of promoting the planning and implementation of green growth in Mozambique – Green Economy

Peace Parks Foundation

Support in the conservation area

  • Maputo and Ponta do Ouro Reserves Co-Management Agreement : Aims to conserve biodiversity and maintain the ecological integrity of the Reserves as integral components of the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation Area
  • Zinave National Park Joint Management and Development Agreement: Aims to conserve biodiversity and maintain the Park’s ecological integrity, through the reintroduction of wild fauna, development of ecotourism products and establishment of partnerships with local communities
  • Project of Banhine National Park Management : Aims at preserving Biodiversity and maintain the ecological integrity of Banhine National Park, by strengthening surveillance and infrastructure development

African Parks

Support in the conservation area

  • Bazaruto Archipelago National Park Co-Management Agreement: sustainable development and conservation of natural resources and biodiversity of the Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Greg Carr Foundation

Support in the conservation area

  • Gorongosa National Park Long-Term Joint Management Agreement: Aims to Restore Gorongosa National Park

Biofund Mozambique

Support in the biodiversity of the conservation area

  • Projeto Abelha: Aims to conserve the Park’s biodiversity, ensure the monitoring of marine species and operating costs
  • Promotes Biodiversity: Strengthening the capacity of protection of endangered species extinction a worldwide level in Mozambique by improving surveillance activities and protected areas of Community establishments around the conservation areas

Society for the Conservation of Fauna – WCS

Supports in the area of biodiversity conservation.

  • Niassa Special Reserve Co-Management Agreement : Aims to strengthen the management of the reserve through the rehabilitation of infrastructure, roads, training of inspectors and strengthening interaction with local bodies.

International Foundation for Fauna Management – IGF

Support in the management of biodiversity conservation areas

  • Gilé National Park Co-Management Agreement: Aims to strengthen the capacity for the park’s development, management and sustainable use of wildlife.

CARE International Mozambique

Supports in the areas of Agriculture, Water, Gender, Environment, Microcredit and Land Sector for the purpose of regularizing DUATs.

  • Sustainable and climate-resilient Rural Development: Aims to support poverty reduction in the most vulnerable families, increase the productivity and quality of cashew production, as well as strengthen agribusiness through assistance to the most needy.
  • Emergency Assistance’s : Aims to improve the districts’ levels of preparedness to respond to situations of emergencies and calamities.

Educational Institutions

Eduardo Mondlane University
Pedagogical University of Maputo

Eduardo Mondlane University

Pedagogical University of Maputo


Mozambique Television
Mozambique Information Office
Nigma Mozambique

Mozambique Television

Mozambique Information Office

Nigma Mozambique